Ten (10-9-2014)

Ten (10-9-2014) This is JR and me, ten years ago. And this is JR’s “I’m very close to being done taking pictures” face.  But look how handsome! I read that the traditional 10th anniversary wedding gift is tin or aluminum. “The pliability of tin and aluminum is a symbol of how a successful marriage needs to…

A Timber & Scarlett Story (11-2008) Part Two

A Timber & Scarlett Story (11-2008) Part Two When we left off, Scarlett had just polished off JR’s “desperation” chicken legs, bones and all… JR emerged from the store.  I explained what had transpired and he was furious.  He grabbed the last lone chicken leg, shoved it in Scarlett’s face, and said, “here, is THIS what you…

A Timber & Scarlett Story (11-2008) Part One

A Timber & Scarlett Story (11-2008) Years ago I submitted this story for some dog-related prize relating to the movie “Marley & Me.”  I did not win, but I thought I would share it anyway.  JR and I continue to refer to this episode, especially when he is in the grocery store and hungry.  Here goes… Our…

November – December 2013 Catch Up

November – December 2013 Catch Up Once again, time really got past me once it got close to Thanksgiving.  We hosted our very first Thanksgiving and cooked our very first turkey.  It gave us a bit of trouble in the morning as the darn thing wasn’t completely thawed, even though I gave it an extra…