Round Bale and an Update (2-23-15)

Round Bale and an Update (2-23-15) I don’t know what it is with Scarlett and Sundays, but she had a major episode last night.  JR and I tried to help her as best we could, but we felt helpless and two vets didn’t have much to suggest either.  The good news is that Scarlett’s biopsies…

All’s Quiet at the Lazy J (Apr 2014)

All’s Quiet at the Lazy J (Apr 2014) As evidenced by the lack of posts, nothing much is going on at the Lazy J.  The weather has been all over the map – sunny, windy, rainy, and snowy.  We were teased with a few days in the 60s.  JR even got out and cut the grass…

Feeding Part Three (Feb 2014)

Feeding Part Three (Feb 2014) Thursday evening’s feeding was downright pleasant.  It was about 5 degrees and sunny.  I didn’t have to wear the ski mask and lost one pair of long johns.   Saturday morning, however, it was snowing.  That weird light at 7am makes it really hard to see our road, especially when…

Feeding Part Two (Feb 2014)

Feeding Part Two (Feb 2014) Wednesday evening feeding (Minus 8 degrees) At least the sun was out! Thursday morning feeding (Minus 22 degrees, windchill minus 36 degrees) Today I added toe warmers, although that lasted about 10 minutes before I couldn’t feel those either.  Everyone had the eyelash issue, and everyone was frosty.  These pictures aren’t…