Time for Videos! (8-29-14)

Time for Videos! (8-29-14) It’s been awhile since we posted any videos.  This is Scarlett swimming in a shall-be-unnamed lake in which dogs are not supposed to swim.  What a bother!  The lake is located in a National Park…it’s the biggest lake…I think you know what I’m saying. Anyway…JR and I paddled around a bit…

Octoberfest (9-13-2014)

Octoberfest (9-13-2014) JR and I went to Octoberfest a few weekends ago.  They had a photo “booth” setup with props.  The photog is a friend, so we got in on the action.  I wanted the Viking helmet, but the Prop King grabbed it first! We walked around, sipped, and talked for a short while and…

The Aftermath (10-10-14)

The Aftermath (10-10-14) First of all, we want to thank everyone for all of the well wishes we received.  It was very thoughtful of all of you!  It made us feel very loved to read texts, emails, and blog comments through the evening and next day.  We love you guys! Here’s how the celebration went: Several things…

Ten (10-9-2014)

Ten (10-9-2014) This is JR and me, ten years ago. And this is JR’s “I’m very close to being done taking pictures” face.  But look how handsome! I read that the traditional 10th anniversary wedding gift is tin or aluminum. “The pliability of tin and aluminum is a symbol of how a successful marriage needs to…

Our So-Called Pond (9-16-14)

Our So-Called Pond (9-16-14) The bulls…we are so tired of them.  They keep edging closer and closer to the busted fence line.  We are on constant bull watch.  There are three that are just itching to get across.  One day, JR and I watched them linger all day long until we decided to go shoo them…

Bull (9-14-14)

Bull (9-14-14) The Ellis bulls have been getting through the fence behind the property next door to us.  Apparently, they (the bulls, not the Ellis’) walk all the way up the twenty acre parcel and go wherever they darn well please.  Well, a few Sundays ago, JR and our neighbor were out trimming the willow…

Seriously? (9-11-2014)

Seriously? (9-11-2014) We went to bed last night with the threat of snow.  Being from the South, I never believe it’s going to happen, at least not when it is still September and has been well into the sixties.  I guess I better become a believer. We went to bed with a dusting at 9:30pm…

Camper Stairs (Aug 2014)

Camper Stairs (Aug 2014) More issues with dogs and stairs.  As you know, Scarlett was raised in a ranch-style house in Atlanta (along with good ‘ole Timber, and we all know his trouble with stairs, too).  In Montana Scarlett has been relegated to life in the garage.  Oddly enough, the pups were forced to go…

Wapiti, WY (7/31/14 – 8/3/14)

Wapiti, WY (7/31/14 – 8/3/14) We spent another long weekend camping just outside of Wapiti, WY.  I think my Southern upbringing causes me to constantly say, “Wa-PEE-tee,” but it is pronounced “WAP-it-ee.” Yes, we found that out the hard (or embarrassing) way…”You mean “WAP-it-ee?”  “Yes, yes of course I do.  What did I say? Oh, silly me.”…