Why Montana? (Part Three)

Why Montana? (Part One) Why Montana? (Part Two) My Cousin Vinny Our journey continued to a town called Big Timber.  The reason we chose it as a potential future home?  Our dog’s name is Timber.  Makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?  So, once again, I picked a hotel.  A “bed and breakfast” type place on a…

Why Montana? (Part Two)

Why Montana? (Part One) Bears in the Bathroom We got up in the morning looking forward to a good breakfast to start off the day.  Now, we try to be pretty healthy, but come on, it’s breakfast on vacation and we were ready to load up.  Now, as I’ve said, I love Montana, but nobody…

Why Montana? (Part One)

The human spirit needs places where nature has not been rearranged by the hand of man.  ~Author Unknown If we had a nickel for every time someone asked us, “Why Montana?” or “How did you find this place?” we’d be rich.  It is a good question.  I wrote this years and years ago.  I hope…

Meeteetse Trail, Festival of Nations 8/3/13

On Saturday (8/3) JR and I went up to the North Fork of Grove Creek from Meeteetse Trail.  I never thought I would be so close to the Palisades.  The trail climbs through an opening in the Meeteetse Spires that rise out of the Palisades.  I will have to work up my nerve to get closer to the actual…

Rafting the Stillwater River (7/29/13)

JR and I went rafting on Sunday (7/29) with Adventure Whitewater.  Though it was raining on the way to Absorkee, it turned into a beautiful day.  We had a nice two hour float with Joby, who guided the Ireland crew during their visit.  The water was quite a bit lower than just a few weeks ago,…

Let’s Catch Up (Vol 2)

May 2013 – A Busy Month We get a cistern in preparation for grass and a sprinkler system!  No more moving the sprinkler! Stone work starts on the house, and we sell the Atlanta house (woo hoo). The countryside starts to turn green. I get to feed the horses next door.  This was the best day…

Let’s Catch Up (Vol 1)

Thanks to JR for getting this page up and running!  A quick (or not so quick) catch-up to date: November 2012 – Thanksgiving in Memphis with Elvis, Eddie, and Sun Studio! On a whim, we got tickets for the Eddie Vedder show at The Orpheum in Memphis, TN.  We made the most of our short trip and fit in sightseeing at Graceland…