The End, For Now (4/11/2018)

In 2016, we spent our last holiday at the Lazy J and started to say “Goodbye” to Red Lodge.  Part of our hearts will always be there.  I am so glad Teddy got to know that property, even if for just a short while.  It ties together all the good doggies.  Back then we would…

Camping in May in Montana (5-19-17)

Camping in May in Montana (5-19-17) We were supposed to go camping over the weekend.  Because of our move and various other tiring variables of life, we decided to skip it.  Good thing.  This was the campground (not our truck): We’re going to try again in a few weeks at a lower elevation.  Fingers crossed!

We Still Love This Place (Jul 2016)

We Still Love This Place (Jul 2016) We’ve been here taking care of business and just really enjoying the place.  Here are a few quick ones from today.  Speaking of quick, we just had a hare run right across the yard and stop in front of us.  He was HUGE.  Beautiful gray with a white tail…

Goats Galore! (8-9-15)

Goats Galore! (8-9-15) When we arrived home from our Glacier National Park vacation, we were welcomed by a few hundred goats!  What a great welcome home!  Well, Scarlett wasn’t too crazy about it, but JR and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The goats were there for “natural” pasture weed control.  We got a bit of an education…

Saturday Fun (3-12-16)

Saturday Fun (3-12-16) We got the ‘ole black truck out of the garage for a short ride on Saturday.  It got to nearly 70 degrees!  I do love sitting on the bench seat right next to my sweetheart. It was a nice relaxing day.  If there are any readers still out there, I do plan…

Scarlett (3/4/2006 – 2/7/2016)

My sweet Scarlett left this earth on Sunday, February 7th. Following our afternoon walk, she seemed as though she was feeling poorly. She declined rapidly. Forty-five minutes after leaving with her to go to the emergency vet, we came home without her. I still can’t get over the shock. For My Scarlett: We brought Scarlett…

Catch Up Post (June 2015)

Catch Up Post (June 2015) In March some fool over in Luther decided to burn his back yard.  In the afternoon.  In the wind. Can you guess what happened?  Grass fire.  The firefighters stopped it before it got any closer to a propane tank.  Can you imagine being this guy?  What do you do?  Do…