We Still Love This Place (Jul 2016)

We Still Love This Place (Jul 2016)

We’ve been here taking care of business and just really enjoying the place.  Here are a few quick ones from today.  Speaking of quick, we just had a hare run right across the yard and stop in front of us.  He was HUGE.  Beautiful gray with a white tail and white crooked ears.  When I saw him, I totally freaked out as in, “COME HERE AND LET ME HUG YOU!”  I think he thought, “what the heck are THOSE people doing here?”  I also think he could feel the “over-hugging” I was ready to give him and he took off.  Absolutely no time for a picture.  Best part of today in my opinion!  Seriously, though, I would have made him so comfortable inside on the couch….  His loss!

Anyway, on to today’s pictures:


Flower boxes are hanging in there…HA HA HA



Clearly, he’s used to us being gone. Came up to the concrete to find some coolness.


Flowers & deer

Another sweet one. With some binocular action, you can see this one has velvet in the shape of the Grinch’s dog’s antlers (but x 2) 🙂


This is MOST exciting. WE HAVE PINECONES!



No surprise here. Another beautiful Montana sunset. How lucky are we to see so many?  #MontanaMoment #LastBestPlace


If you haven’t been here, you need to get here.  And if you’ve been here and want to come again, you need to get here.  Just sayin.
