Camper Stairs (Aug 2014)

Camper Stairs (Aug 2014)

More issues with dogs and stairs.  As you know, Scarlett was raised in a ranch-style house in Atlanta (along with good ‘ole Timber, and we all know his trouble with stairs, too).  In Montana Scarlett has been relegated to life in the garage.  Oddly enough, the pups were forced to go up and down more stairs in Atlanta than in Montana.  At least in Atlanta they had to go up and down a few steps to eat and go out.  Here, none.

So, not unexpectedly, the camper stairs have presented a problem for Scarlett.  The stairs are of the “see through” variety, where there is no riser, only two treads with side rails, if that makes any sense.  I thought she could be coaxed into going up the stairs without a boost, especially if we were inside and she was left outside alone, but it has proved to be a hit-or-miss situation.  The “misses” come when there are lots of bugs around that we would prefer to keep outside the camper, or even better, when it’s raining.  I just love me some wet-dog-in-the-camper action.  No, not really.

I did some internet research and came up with a solution.  A forty dollar solution.  Sigh.  When clicking the “submit order” button, I thought, “This better work.”  Apparently, the “see-through stairs” are an issue for lots of dogs.  Camping World had covers for the stairs that touted “traction control” with the added benefit of maybe keeping some dirt out of the camper as well.


As it turns out, traction control plus a few biscuits placed just inside the camper door and just out of Scarlett’s reach from the ground outside, did the trick.

You Want me to What (1280x721)

You want me to do what?


I got this! You’re bringing the treats with us, right?

Way to go Scarlett!  We’ll see if this holds up minus the biscuits and out on the road!

Speaking of the road, Scarlett is becoming a well-traveled pup.  We figured out she’s been in quite a few states, including:  Georgia, Tennessee (I’m not sure how she missed out on Alabama and South Carolina), Kentucky, Missouri, Iowa, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Colorado.  We are only counting “feet on the ground” states, not drive-through states.  Next up:  Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona.  Oh, warm, sunny Arizona, how I would like to see you via camper oh say, January-ish?

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