Basin Lake Campground (7/17/14 – 7/20/14)

Basin Lake Campground (7/17/14 – 7/20/14)

Basin Lake Campground is about 30-40 minutes from our house, just before the Beartooth Pass.  It’s back in the woods, right by Rock Creek.  So, while it was in the high 80s in Red Lodge, we were wearing fleece and winter hats at night and in the morning.  It was wonderful!

Basin - Miss Scarlett (1280x721)

Scarlett loved it – the creek was right behind our campsite and Wild Bill Lake was only a mile away.  Somehow she ended up with tree sap all over her and her bed.  I had to use olive oil to get it out of her fur (in the places I didn’t just cut out).  Sheesh.

Basin - Creek (1280x721)

B - Sleeping Bunny (1280x720)

Sleepy Bunny

After the previous 1800 mile journey with the camper, it was nice to get to a beautiful campground in under an hour!  It was tough to get a spot, though.  By the time we decided where we were going, the reservable spots were taken.  JR did near-hourly “recon” to find us a walk-up site for the long weekend.  It was worth it – we got a gem of a spot.

Basin - Camping Buddies (1280x721)

Basin-Cooking Buddies (721x1280)

The best part – no cell coverage!  I have to say, it was hard not to check my phone for the first few hours.  But, after Thursday night, I turned it off and didn’t think of it again!  We spent our time walking down the creek with Scarlett, sitting by the fire, and playing cards.  And, to be honest, we watched other campers try and back into their spots!  You see, this was our first back-in campsite.  We got settled in two attempts.  We did pretty good, if you ask me.  Granted, our camper is tiny compared to some of those fifth wheels getting backed in!  And, I should say JR did well – I was only the spotter.  Once we worked out some hand signals, we were good.  We work pretty well together after nearly ten years of marriage!  Now, if he could just start reading my mind…

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