Court Whist Party (5/3/14)
JR and I were invited to play cards at a house in town on Saturday night. Have you ever heard of Court Whist? Neither JR or I had ever heard of it. These Wisconsin/Minnesota transplants sure know a lot of card games! It was so much fun! There were about twenty-four participants at five tables of four (a few people rotated in and out of the rounds). You play the first round with your partner, and then the table rotation begins. You only move tables when you and your partner for that round win. It took me about four rounds before I got to leave my first table!
Everybody put $1 in the pot. JR and I came no where close to winning, but head-to-head I came out on top. Yes!
We had a great time. At the end of the night, our hosts revealed the real reason behind the party – it was their 34th wedding anniversary! We left after the winner was revealed – it was way past our bedtime and we knew we had a long drive back to our place due to the fog. Oh, the fog. We woke up to it, and it hung around all day. For most of the day, we couldn’t even see our neighbors. Road visibility was terrible. Horse visibility was worse. “Horse visibility,” you ask? Our other neighbor with horses texted JR Saturday morning. She was at work but said her mare was due to have her baby on May 1st and asked us to call her if we suddenly see a little one out in the pasture! Needless to say, we’ve been on watch ever since! Nothing yet, but we’ll keep you posted.
Anyway, after our slow drive home, we came home to our 8 year old puppy. Why do I say “puppy,” you ask? Because we came home to destruction. So, you remember about the fog, right? Well, it was wet and cold all day, so Scarlett did not get a walk. This is never a good thing. Apparently, she got bored and decided to plow into a trash bag (from inside the garbage can) that had nothing really interesting in it other than a few paper-based items. Of course, it was hard to tell what anything was from the hundreds of tiny little shreds that were left. The dog does love paper, though. Every book we ever left on the coffee table in the Atlanta house lost, at a minimum, a corner of the binding. Maybe she needs more fiber in her diet.
We swept up the mess and came inside to watch some TV before bedtime. A pet food commercial came on and it said, “Your dog is a reflection of what you give it.” Without missing a beat JR said, “I don’t think we reflect chaos.” Oh my, I couldn’t have said it better.
Fortunately, the sun is out. I better give that dog some exercise so she reflects some serenity today. Serenity now!
Sounds like fun along with the chaos!