All’s Quiet at the Lazy J (Apr 2014)

All’s Quiet at the Lazy J (Apr 2014)

As evidenced by the lack of posts, nothing much is going on at the Lazy J.  The weather has been all over the map – sunny, windy, rainy, and snowy.  We were teased with a few days in the 60s.  JR even got out and cut the grass for the first time this year.  About four hours later, it started snowing and we got another few inches.

Sunny and nice:

Pretty sure this is a weed.

Pretty sure this is a weed, but at least it’s colorful and spring-like!





Quickly turned into more snow:


Apr snow feeder

Apr snow and horses


There are no “windy” pictures because it’s just miserable being out in the cold and wind.  I am desperate for the weather to warm up and the wind to die down so the kayak can come out of storage and get in the water!

4 comments on “All’s Quiet at the Lazy J (Apr 2014)
  1. Love the pictures Jen! Is that your house in the distance? I didn’t think it was that close to the horses. Hope Spring is just around the corner for you! Miss you guys so much!

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