San Diego, CA (3/5/14)

San Diego, CA (3/5/14)

Earlier this month, JR and I got the heck out of Dodge, and went to San Diego for some sun and fun.  Interesting fact:  the Billings airport does not plow the parking lot.  JR had to back the Jeep into a parking space covered in 2+ feet of snow.  Since it was 5am, still dark, blowing snow, and about minus 10 degrees, there is no picture.  We are dedicated to the blog, but not THAT dedicated!  Our view Friday night:

crowne view

Our view Saturday:

beach view

A little better!  It was rainy and cold the first two days we were in San Diego, but after that it was sunny, if still a little chilly.  We never got in shorts, let alone bathing suits, but it was nice to feel the sand in our toes, hear the ocean, and get away from sub-zero temps in Montana!  We weren’t the only ones who felt that way, either.  When we landed in San Diego, the pilot said it was 50-something degrees.  A woman behind us yelled out, “oh yea, double digits!”  We laughed and shared her joy!

The storms made a mess of the beach and seaweed was everywhere.  But, each morning, the crews were out on clean-up duty.

seaweed everywhere

seaweed cleanup

The surfers seemed to like the conditions.  There were about 20 surfers in the water at all times.


surfer riding wave

We didn’t do a whole lot of anything except relax.  One evening we went to a nice Italian restaurant in La Jolla for dinner.

sunset at la jolla

sunset palms

Jenny at Italian dinner

Another afternoon we visited the San Diego Air & Space museum, hoping to see some of JR’s Grandpa’s work on the model aircrafts on display.

Balboa park

On the way into Balboa Park


I always say he’s a charmer!

Other than that, we took walks up and down the beach, relaxed on the hotel deck, and ate, and ate, and ate.  Ahhhh….


view up the coast

Speaking of eating, this came on our meat and cheese tray.  What is it?  Anyone?  In my opinion, it did not belong on the tray!  More cheese please!

What is this

Blech – too fancy! JR tasted one bite, and I just took his word for it.

It was so nice to see things that were green and alive and in bloom.

front of hotel

It was also nice to see JR’s relaxing face:

JRs relaxing face


And, our personal version of Flat Stanley – if we’ve been to a beach, we have a picture of it with JR’s (ghostly-white) toes:

JRs feet - flat stanley

Bye San Diego!  Hope to see you again someday!  For now, it is back to reality which for us means wild variations in weather for a few more weeks.  We are looking forward to Spring and Summer and getting out for hikes, camping, and kayaks!  C’mon Summer, c’mon green grass!


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