I Know, I Know (11-30-14)

I Know, I Know (11-30-14)

I know, there’s been no new content in quite awhile.  We’ve been very busy, and not busy at all.  JR has been the very busy one, and I have done absolutely nothing in the past five weeks (other than work).  My status is due to a minor revision surgery back in October.  “Minor” somehow always ends up taking much much longer than I would like (and yet not any longer than anticipated).  I continue to maintain that “crutches for five weeks” is cruel and unusual punishment.  But, back on the upswing now!

JR and I were headed up to Craig, Montana for Thanksgiving (a friend of a friend’s cabin type of deal).  As my brother said, “so you’re leaving your cabin to go to another cabin?” Yes, yes we were.  To a cabin with no cell service and no internet.  We weren’t sure whether or not TV was available.  Good ‘ole Montana winter intervened and we stayed home instead, which was really just fine with us both.  We got to watch all the football we could stand.  As some of you know, UGA needed Missouri to lose one of their last two games in order for UGA to make it to the SEC Championship game.  So, two weekends ago, I rooted for Tennessee.  Ug.  At least the mascot is still a dog.


A dog that requires a blanket (while in the state of Tennessee), but a dog nonetheless.  At least their dog can stay awake for the game.


Is that leash really necessary?

In Russ’ defense, it was a late game, and I bet he’s usually curled up in someone’s lap or bed by this time.

Tennessee lost.

This weekend, I rooted for the Arkansas Razorbacks.  The Hogs, for goodness sake.  Hog rhymes with Dawg.  Does that make it okay?  Painful.  Wrong.  Optimistic.  I actually sat in the living room and yelled “Wooo Pig Sooie!”  Needless to say this was during the first half.  Arkansas lost.  I felt cheated.  Dirty.  I rooted for those two dang teams and nothing.  I had to go take a shower.

Oh, and about winter showing up.  Yes, yes it did.  For 48 hours, we had wind gusts up to 60 mph, and when I say gusts, the gusts lasted upwards of a minute.  Regular wind speed was upwards of 25 mph.  We felt like we’d been in a hurricane for two days.  The howling sound was torture after the first few hours.  We got online and looked at apartments in all manner of sunny locales!  We were dying.  The wind calmed down and 12 hours later we got 18 inches of snow.

snow back deck1

snow back deck2

The snow on the ground is level with the deck.  By the way, the sun sets at 4:30pm now. Sheesh.

JR has been plowing and we both did some shoveling.  We also took a walk up the road.  It’s the most activity I’ve had in five weeks.  The Nordic Center opened and tomorrow would make for perfect lunch hour cross-country skiing.  Alas, I’m not there yet.  Patience, patience.  I hate being patient.  **Edit–JR says I should say I hate trying to be patient because I am not patient.**  Well.

This coming weekend is Christmas Stroll.  Hopefully, the weather will be nice enough for us to go cut down our Christmas tree and start getting our holiday on.  I am ready!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

4 comments on “I Know, I Know (11-30-14)
  1. So glad you’re on the mend Jen. Missed your posts while you were laid up. Stay warm and cozy in your beautiful winter wonderland.

  2. Hope you are doing better. Love the pictures! Dark at 4:30! Yikes. Counting down until the days get longer again in one week! Love you!

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