Ten (10-9-2014)

Ten (10-9-2014)

This is JR and me, ten years ago.

Us (853x1280)

And this is JR’s “I’m very close to being done taking pictures” face.  But look how handsome!

JR is Done (853x1280)

Sorry, babe. Going down memory lane and I couldn’t resist!

I read that the traditional 10th anniversary wedding gift is tin or aluminum. “The pliability of tin and aluminum is a symbol of how a successful marriage needs to be flexible and durable and how it can be bent without being broken.”  Oh brother.  What happened to diamonds?  I’m pretty sure “a marriage that lasts ten years is as durable and beautiful as a diamond.”  Am I right?  It’s my birthstone, too so really, it’s a two-in-one gift.  I’m nothing if not practical, right?  And yes, I will use that birthstone line until my dying day!

Seriously though…

Holy cow.  Where in the world did those ten years go?  Where did those young people go?!  Goodness, to think back…it just makes you shake your head to realize how many things are so different in just ten years.  There are quantifiable and obvious things that have changed:

The number of nieces and nephews,

Flowergirls (1280x853)

These flowergirls? Ally is nearly 14 and Amanda is driving now!

The number of wrinkles and gray hair,

Cars bought, sold, and stolen (!),

One dog we miss dearly,

JR and Timber (853x1280)

Best Dog


Cities visited (wish I could say countries here.  Hint, hint JR.)

Then, there are more meaningful ways things have changed – things that make life gratifying like learning to live together as two strong-minded, independent, obstinant, opinionated Aries (we’ve got this down about 97% of the time);

Surviving the most difficult moments you never even saw coming.  Learning that bad things can happen to us.  I’m not sure why that was so surprising, but it was.  Learning that even though we are independent people who prefer to rely on ourselves first, the other one is there, going through the same darn thing and it sure is easier to do it together.

Pre-Montana life vs. Montana life,

Learning each other’s limits,

Loving someone more even than the day we married.

We’ve made it through all of it together.  Of course, there have been ups and downs, and thankfully more up than down, but here we are.  I wouldn’t want to have gone through it all with anyone else.  I look forward to the next ten, and the next ten, and if we’re lucky, another few tens.

We are like Islands in The Stream:

Thank goodness I’ve Got You Babe.

You know (I’ve Had) The Time of My Life.

You’re The One That I Want.

Our love is an Endless Love.

And I Will Always Love You (I don’t think Whitney thought “crack was whack” when this was filmed).

Together we are like Ebony and Ivory. No, wait, what?

Oh, how I love that skit.

So now you have just a taste of what JR puts up with!  Now, what can we do about upping the number of countries visited?  Hello?  JR, are you there?  Love you Sweetheart.  Thanks for putting up with me.  I still feel lucky to be your wife.

Bustos (721x1280)

The next ten starts tomorrow!


4 comments on “Ten (10-9-2014)
  1. Awe, this is so sweet! And to think we had a teensy, weensy part in the two of you being together. Ahem!!! Love you both bunches!

  2. You know you made me cry! We talked about your wedding
    last night at Sean’s. How can it be 10 years ago already? Love
    you both very much. Keep up the good work!!

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