Golf (9/24/2013)

Golf (9/24/2013)


We awoke to eleven deer in the front yard!

On Tuesday, JR and I played hooky from work and went to play nine holes of golf.  I have a lot of unused vacation left, so I decided I’d better start using it up!  At 9:50am, we decided to do it.  JR called the Red Lodge Mountain course, and then told me our tee time was 10:30am.  Huh?  Frankly, I was still in my jammies!  Shhh…don’t tell anyone though.  I told him I wouldn’t be ready by 10:30 – I wasn’t even sure where my golf shoes were hiding!  He called back and made the tee time for 11am.  We joked with the clubhouse guy that JR made a rookie mistake.  C’mon honey, it’s been nine years!  You have to know I can’t get ready to leave that quickly!

We played the front nine and it started out nice – windy but sunny and so nice to be outside on a Tuesday morning.

JR Golf 1

Jenny golf 1

We saw a hare run across the course, and then a setter chasing the hare.  Just in case, I yelled “FORE!”  Hardy har.

Then, it got cold.  A front started coming in that was expected to drop some snow on us already.

Jenny golf 2

Brrrr….the goosebumps!

JR stayed warm retrieving my golf balls from various water hazards.  Sorry honey!  I can’t remember the last time I played and the lack of practice showed!  It seems like my ball was just a water magnet.

Water hazard

One of many water hazards

Over nine holes, I lost three balls (two in the water and one that went hopping down Hwy 78 – whoops!), and that’s not counting the other three times JR got them out of the water!  It was bad, but we still laughed a lot!

As bad as I played, I did have a chance at a birdie on the 7th hole (my first ever birdie chance).

Birdie chance

Of course I play with a purple golf ball!

I hit it too hard – it hit the back of the cup and popped out.  It was like it happened in slow motion.  Agonizingly slow motion.  DARN!  Oh, how I wish I’d made that putt!  Oh well.  I am certainly not going to complain about making par.

It was a great Tuesday.  Oh, and that front that was expected.  It arrived.



Snow Scilley

One comment on “Golf (9/24/2013)
  1. Looks like y’all are having some beautiful weather. Even the pics of the front coming in are beautiful!

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