Why Montana? (Part Two)

Why Montana? (Part One)

Bears in the Bathroom

We got up in the morning looking forward to a good breakfast to start off the day.  Now, we try to be pretty healthy, but come on, it’s breakfast on vacation and we were ready to load up.  Now, as I’ve said, I love Montana, but nobody does breakfast like Southerners.  Most folks up there just don’t know how to do breakfast right, y’all.  We had several of the worst breakfasts we’ve ever had in our lives.  I mean bad, bad stuff.  Timber wouldn’t have eaten it (but Scarlett would have for certain).

We took off for Yellowstone by way of the Gallatin River.


Gallatin River

Gallatin - J+J

Who are these young people in our picture?

Near Big Sky

Near Big Sky

Can you see why we instantly fell in love?

After spending the day in Yellowstone, we set up camp and I got bundled up in several layers of clothes for the chilly night ahead.

Campground @ Yellowstone

I have made fire!

We sat around the fire, talked for hours, listened to the Elk call to each other, and listened to the sheer silence of it all.  It was a tough night on the ground, in the cold.  In August, our ice didn’t even melt overnight, and it wasn’t in a cooler.  It was awesome though.  That is, until I had to go to the bathroom.  I heard JR get up, go outside the tent, and go.  Guys have it so easy.  I waited as long as I could, got up, grabbed a flashlight, and walked to the bathroom building.

The whole way there I was sure a bear was waiting around the next tree to jump out and have me for a midnight snack.  The longer I walked, the more certain I became that I was about to be bear food.  I made it all the way to the bathroom!  As I got to the door I was SURE a bear had gotten into the bathroom, (you know, with their conniving minds and opposable thumbs and all), and was waiting for me in there.  I could even picture the headline…“Freak Accident at Yellowstone, Newlywed Devoured by Bear, Husband Left Devastated, Says He Will Never Marry Again.”  So, I open the door, no bear.  The bathroom wasn’t even that bad, for a campground bathroom.  Whew!  Sweet relief.  I suddenly became ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE that the bear was waiting outside the door for me.  How could I be so stupid?  I fell right into his trap!  You see, it’s a rare species of bear, the Quiet Stalking bear.  I was so happy to get back inside the tent where I felt safe.   Because obviously a bear couldn’t possibly get me in there!  Clearly, I’ve got some toughening up to do!

To be continued…
