Let’s Catch Up (Vol 2)

May 2013 – A Busy Month

We get a cistern in preparation for grass and a sprinkler system!  No more moving the sprinkler!


Cistern investigator

Chief Supervisor #2

Stone work starts on the house,

Stone start

Hi Brian! Chief Supervisor #1 is on duty.

and we sell the Atlanta house (woo hoo).

Cham Dun

Sniff, sniff. Bye house!

The countryside starts to turn green.

Green - T+S

Green 2


I get to feed the horses next door.  This was the best day – the others were rainy and slippery.  I’m not sure how I didn’t end up on my tush in the mud.

Jen Feeding


But, I’ll take rain and mud over the last time I fed – it never got above zero degrees.  That is me under that ski mask!

Feeding - minus

Last, but certainly not least, Red Lodge Tech officially opens its doors!


June 2013 – Summer!

Landscaping!  Trees!  Grass!


The Ireland crew visits.

Ireland - Seans crew Stillwater

Ireland - Dad


Ireland - raft

Rafting the Stillwater River

Ireland - JR Stillwater

Snack time!

Ireland - Mom & Jen

JR chases cows out of the front pasture.  Twice.  I wish I had a picture!  With all the rain, the pastures are staying green and pretty.


The days are long.  The moon and stars are beautiful.  We could even see the Milky Way a few nights.

July 2013

The Maurais bunch visits.

M - FAm

Off the beaten path of the Lake Fork Trail to Silver Falls

M - J&A

M - Don & Ally

Don & Ally bike the Line Creek Plateau

M - Olivia tractor

Olivia at the 4th of July parade


M - A&O

M - T&O porch

M - J, Jen, O

The Rodeo, before the deluge!

M - T&O



Cowboy Up!

M - T&D waterfall

Beefcake 🙂

About an hour into the Rodeo on the 4th of July, the rain and hail came and the grounds ended up like this:

M - Rodeo deluge

The splash is the rodeo clown belly-flopping into the mud – he was a sport.

The Simmons family visits!  M & G are our best friends from Atlanta – they are the ones who set up JR and me on our first date!  We had a blast with them and their happy, happy son Zack!


Marcy & Z

Zack & G

This kid’s got an arm!

The Budweiser Clydesdales arrive in Red Lodge, along with 10,000 bikers.  Glad that only happens once a year.

Clydesdales Rally

There’s still some green to be seen, but the hillsides are turning more and more brown.

Scarlett plays too rough and injures her elbow.  Oh the vet bills for these aging doggies – if only they were tax deductible!  We’re supposed to keep her still to heal.  Ha!

Scarlett injured

Katie Scarlett

On the horizon… Dom & Tabby visit from England at the end of August – can’t wait to see them!

Hopefully there is a vacation for us in the near future.  It’s been long enough since March that we might be able to face a road trip with the dogs.  I would like to rent an RV and check out more of Montana.  Maybe we’ll take a winter trip to the Explorer cabins in Yellowstone.  Or, a winter vacation to a warm and sunny beach somewhere would be nice!

Hopefully the Braves will go deep in the playoffs.

We are looking forward to college football season (Go Dawgs!).  Timber is ready!

UGA Timber!


Hopefully, we can get a few SEC games out here in Grizzlies country.  Is a Georgia Southern vs. Montana Grizz matchup in our future??  We’ll have to wait and see! We know our future holds more weekend hiking trips and beautiful vistas!  More to come!



2 comments on “Let’s Catch Up (Vol 2)
  1. I love all the pictures you posted and can’t wait to see future posts! And the RL Tech logo is pretty cool, too 😉

    Much love to you from GA!

  2. Great story telling pictures! Looking forward to many more! And more good times in Montana…..Dad

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