Glacier National Park, Part Three: Whitefish and Flathead Lake, MT (Aug 2015) Zip lining at Whitefish Mountain?  Yes, zip lining for the girl who does not like heights!  This one I did purely for JR.  I was so nervous, but I have to give it to the folks at Whitefish Mountain.  They set you up…

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Glacier National Park, Part Two: Happy Campers  (Aug 2015) Frankly, when we left Billings, we seriously considered going home and taking a “staycation.”  But, we are of hardy stock and continued on.  JR drove and I navigated.  Someone didn’t want to sit in the passenger seat while someone else drove the speed limit.  Mmm hmm. Roughly eight…

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day! (3-17-2015) Ah, adventures in picture-taking with Scarlett. A couple interesting things have happened around here.  Winter Carnival was last weekend.  Red Lodge was taken over by out-of-towners.  We went to town Saturday night for dinner and did not recognize one person!  Great for the local economy but sheesh!  Give us our…

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First Appearance of the Big Green Monster (1-8-2015) The Big Green Monster is, of course, my massive down coat made “famous” in posts from last winter.  I can’t believe I just got her out today!  Toasty… I went to physical therapy Thursday afternoon.  It was AWESOME.  I RAN.  I was fast.  Okay, maybe not fast fast, but…

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Well, This Can’t Be Good (1-7-2015) I’ve been going to physical therapy and doing the Barre3 Challenge this month trying to make my comeback from October’s surgery.  Finally…doctor’s approval!  Wednesday, while on the elliptical, I heard some lovely crunching noises.  Hmmm, I thought.  This can’t be good.  Am I feeling that from the elliptical or…

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Wapiti, WY (7/31/14 – 8/3/14) We spent another long weekend camping just outside of Wapiti, WY.  I think my Southern upbringing causes me to constantly say, “Wa-PEE-tee,” but it is pronounced “WAP-it-ee.” Yes, we found that out the hard (or embarrassing) way…”You mean “WAP-it-ee?”  “Yes, yes of course I do.  What did I say? Oh, silly me.”…

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Kris! (5/19/14) Kris came for a quick (emphasis on the quick!) visit on Monday!  JR picked her up in Billings on Monday afternoon.  We hung out and had dinner, and Kris and JR turned right around and went back to Billings around 4am on Tuesday.  We sure hope it was worth it!  We loved seeing…

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Feeding Part Two (Feb 2014) Wednesday evening feeding (Minus 8 degrees) At least the sun was out! Thursday morning feeding (Minus 22 degrees, windchill minus 36 degrees) Today I added toe warmers, although that lasted about 10 minutes before I couldn’t feel those either.  Everyone had the eyelash issue, and everyone was frosty.  These pictures aren’t…

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Feeding Horses in the Freezing Cold…Again (Feb 2014) Well, here comes another cold snap, and a *wonderfully* timed out-of-town trip for our neighbors.  So, I’m on horse duty for a week.  Until the weekend, the high temp will be -1 degree.  Windchills?  Don’t want to even talk about it (-26 degrees).  After the weekend, it will get…

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Gardiner, MT (Jan 2014) JR has made several trips to Gardiner, Montana for work with an anchor client. He signed a nine month contract!  Woo hoo!  Gardiner is just outside Yellowstone National Park, and needless to say JR’s drive to work has been full of wildlife encounters.  Returning home following his prior trip to Gardiner in early January,…

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Christmas 12/25/13 Our very first Christmas in Montana.  Ahhh….we’ve waited nine years for this!  We slept in, had coffee, opened presents, stuffed ourselves with homemade biscuits and gravy, and JR went skiing.  We had a soak in the hottub, visited with the neighbors, and made dinner together.  Most importantly, I stayed in my jammies for as long…

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The Wind (12/23/13) So…..the wind.  Oh my goodness.  Holy moly.  I laid in bed listening to the wind howl and whistle past the house.  I kept repeating my mantra “there are hurricane straps on the house, there are hurricane straps on the house.”  Still, it was hard to sleep.  Gusts were probably around 30mph but sounded…

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A Cold Stroll (12/6/13) It was a cold, cold Christmas Stroll in Red Lodge.  Strolling temp was -18 degrees.  After about -10 degrees, they should just start describing conditions by what being outside will do to your body, as in: it’s “you’ll really wish you had bought those hand/foot warmers” cold out now, or it’s “lose your…

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Success (9/22/2013) I picked up JR from the airport on Sunday after he successfully passed his tests to be certified – MCSA.  Woo hoo!!!  Congrats JR!  I’m really proud of him.  He spent seven days a week in class for two and a half weeks and passed three different tests.  A job well done!  Since JR’s flight arrived around lunchtime, we…

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Capstones (8/20/13) Many of you are aware we are in the midst of stonework, mainly consisting of wrapping the deck posts in stone.  Brian, our mason, suggested we find our own capstones to seal off the tops.  So, on Tuesday, JR and Brian went to Wyoming to find capstones for the posts.  They did a…

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Goat at the Grocery (8/15/13) Well, you just don’t see this every day.  I was putting my grocery cart in the cart corral and saw what I thought was the back of a really weird looking dog.  Because it wasn’t a dog, it was a goat.  In the back of a pickup.  You know you’re…

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Bobcat (8/2013) Luckily, we’re talking about a mechanical brand bobcat, not the Lynx Rufus kind of bobcat! JR rented a Bobcat to move the remaining piles of dirt left over from the excavation of the house and road.  The road also needs some work before we get any snow.  He used some of the dirt…

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Rock Creek Fire Some of y’all that visited us went to the Rock Creek area, so you’ll know where the fire is located.  Another familiar area may be the Silver Run trail loops which are now closed due to the fire.  For updates click the link for InciWeb.  You will land on the “incident information”…

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Thanks to JR for getting this page up and running!  A quick (or not so quick) catch-up to date: November 2012 – Thanksgiving in Memphis with Elvis, Eddie, and Sun Studio! On a whim, we got tickets for the Eddie Vedder show at The Orpheum in Memphis, TN.  We made the most of our short trip and fit in sightseeing at Graceland…

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